HOW TO GET OUT OF THE DITCH OF COMPLACENCY – Don’t miss what God has for you

Spiritual complacency is  the disposition to give oneself the least possible difficulty; we become lazy and careless in our faith, we stagnate spiritually and are satisfied with our present situation, which prevents us from walking in the fullness of our destiny.

Spiritual complacency affects all believers and can only be overcome by our efforts. Paradoxically, in a Christian environment, it is easy for us to become lazy in our faith. Many people are comfortably settled in their "Christian routine". Our "Christian culture" and our Christian friends too often replace our non-substitutable walk with Christ and do not always help us to grow in our journey with Him.


Christians are complacent in their time with God. They use excuses, such as: «I don't understand my Bible. » « I don’t have time, I have so much to do. » But seldom do they desire to study their Bible and press in for revelation like they would a college exam. Lack of motivation will prevent them from learning the deeper things of God. They settle for a little bit of God time instead of growing in their walk in partaking of the fullness of God.


The complacent has no desire to spend time with God or look to Him to reveal what is inside his heart, or for direction. He is not interested in relationship with Him, but is more interested by the things of this world. Jesus Christ says, « Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. » Revelation 2 :4


God calls us to walk closer to Him, to take action and to advance His kingdom. Getting rid of complacency is doing something you don’t feel like doing. It is an act of obedience. When you desire to break complacency off of your life, it is difficult. Complacency will get us stuck in a rut. When you are stuck in a rut with a vehicle, it’s difficult to get out. You have to work that vehicle back and forth. The same thing goes with complacency. You make a little progress, but then you slide back. Don’t get stuck in a rut and miss what God has for you.


How do we break out of those complacent ways when we have been there for so long? One of the keys is by having reverential fear of the Lord, being obedient and disciplined to carry out His instructions. We should love our Father so much that we desire to co-labor with Him to advance His kingdom. As we grow in our walk with our God, we will never again be satisfied with a lukewarm relationship with Him and a mediocre life


Many times, we all fall into complacency,  forgetting that the fire must be continuously fed to flame high, knowing all fires can be cooled by a lack of work. We must be committed with a burning desire to hunger for all that God desires. 

All of us may be conscious, at times, that this life is not all that there is. We may be startled one day by an out of ordinary event, struck with the nearness of eternity by the sudden death of a friend, awakened by a powerful Scripture,  into the realisation of a deeper life than our ordinary mode of existence. We have been going on quietly, even doing some good, but, all at once, something has shocked us into holy revelation. Then, for a time, we are quite different from our ordinary selves,  but, alas, we soon slip back into our former indolent state until, perhaps, something else of the ordinary happens and startles us again.

Some signs of complacency :                                                                                   

Complacency is rooted in an attitude of self-sufficiencyWe tend to think we can handle life and what it brings us. We trust in our own ability to understand, decide and act. We believe that constant dependence on God is unrealistic and we don’t feel the need for it. 

Complacency is revealed when we are comfortable in the culture in which we live. A sincere believer is never comfortable this side of heaven. When we align ourselves too closely with political philosophies, groups, systems, lifestyles, we stop thinking and evaluating critically and spiritually. If we are too settled, we no longer strive for the Kingdom of God and what it promises.                                                                                                                  Complacency comes from spiritual satisfaction without a real spiritual awareness.    We are okay with Jesus saving us, but we don’t understand life with Him. We pray for shallow tangible blessings but we are not hungry for a close relationship with the Lord and a deeper knowledge of Him.


The prophet Jeremiah told us (Jeremiah 29:13) : « And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.»

The central thought of Jeremiah's text is beautifully illustrated in the Parable of the Lost Piece of Silver. (Luke 15 : 8,10) Look at this woman's anxious concern and corresponding action; she lights the candle – the only light she has; she sweeps the house -- turns everything over; she searches diligently -- keeps at it, not giving up at the first disappointment. Observe also the effect upon herself when her search is successful. Full of satisfaction she calls in her neighbours and friends -- 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I had lost'. Loud in her testimony, she delights in making her blessing known. You see, this woman so valued the piece of silver, that she gave herself up to the search for it, and nothing satisfied her until she found it. When men appreciate the importance of having a clean heart and the blessing of God like that, they will not seek long without result.

How to protect ourselves from complacency? Search Him with all your heart.  You will have to drop the things which hinder you and come between you and Him. Do you care enough about God and an intimate relationship with Him to drop all such?